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4 months ago
UK news

Man shot dead while walking dog on remote path in Scotland

Police have launched a murder inquiry after a man was shot while walking his dog in a remote area.
Detectives are appealing for information and urging the local community to come forward if they have any details regarding the case. [ more ]
5 months ago

A Taste of Southeast Asia in Stockton; Artists Fleeing Big Cities Find New Home in the Delta | KQED

Angel Cruz Park is a popular destination for food vendors, many of whom are Hmong and Cambodian immigrants.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has seen an influx of urban artists who are integrating into the rural community. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Brothers jailed after filming themselves torturing animals in sickening' attacks

Two brothers have been jailed for filming themselves torturing animals in rural areas at night.
The videos showed the brothers causing unnecessary suffering to injured deer and hares, mutilating deer, and encouraging dogs to attack animals. [ more ]
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