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4 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

Gemfile of dreams: the libraries we use to build Rails apps

The article discusses the concept of an ideal Martian Gemfile, combining essential Ruby gems used by Evil Martians in Rails projects. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
4 months ago
Ruby on Rails

Why developers still love Ruby on Rails

Matz and DHH, the creators of Ruby and Ruby on Rails, respectively, were unable to score a perfect score on an online quiz that tested their knowledge of the two technologies.
The author fell in love with Ruby on Rails over a decade ago and still enjoys working with it today. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

Gemfile of dreams: the libraries we use to build Rails apps

The article discusses the concept of an ideal Martian Gemfile, combining essential Ruby gems used by Evil Martians in Rails projects. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
4 months ago
Ruby on Rails

Why developers still love Ruby on Rails

Matz and DHH, the creators of Ruby and Ruby on Rails, respectively, were unable to score a perfect score on an online quiz that tested their knowledge of the two technologies.
The author fell in love with Ruby on Rails over a decade ago and still enjoys working with it today. [ more ]
1 month ago
Ruby on Rails

Rabarber v2: A Major Update for the Role-Based Authorization Gem

Rabarber version 2 offers cleaner configuration, supports UUID primary keys, and focuses on stability and refining user experience. [ more ]
2 months ago
Ruby on Rails

The Ruby on Rails Resurgence - DevOps.com

Ruby combines functional and imperative programming to create an easy-to-use, powerful language where everything is an object.
Ruby on Rails surged in popularity during the 2000s and early 2010s, driving fast web application development. [ more ]
4 months ago
Ruby on Rails

In-Depth look at Action Mailbox

Action Mailbox is a feature in Ruby on Rails that allows applications to receive and process incoming emails.
Action Mailbox provides a way to handle incoming emails in a structured and easy-to-use manner. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
4 months ago
Ruby on Rails

The Ruby on Rails origin story

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson met when Jason asked for help on a project and David volunteered
David Heinemeier Hansson came up with Ruby on Rails [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Unleashing the Magic of Ruby on Rails: A Fun-filled Journey into Web Development Wond

Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework.
It offers developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications. [ more ]
5 months ago
Ruby on Rails

How to Use Brakeman to Find Security Vulnerabilities in your Rails app

Regular security assessments are important to protect web applications
Brakeman is a helpful tool for identifying security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails apps [ more ]
6 days ago
Ruby on Rails

Exciting News! The Ruby Warsaw Community Conference is just one month away, on Jul

Emphasis on networking and community building for Ruby on Rails enthusiasts at a conference in Warsaw. [ more ]
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