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3 months ago
Privacy professionals

End-run around warrantless snooping reforms? Or biz as usual

Renewal of controversial warrantless surveillance powers sought by the Biden Administration through court rather than Congress.
US Senator Ron Wyden criticizes DOJ for seeking a year-long extension of Section 702 without reforms. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Wyden pressures Justice Department to let Apple, Google reveal foreign governments' legal demands

Senator Ron Wyden is urging the Justice Department to allow Apple and Google to share information on their users that foreign governments force them to reveal.
Wyden wants the companies to be able to reveal whether they have been compelled to facilitate surveillance, publish aggregate statistics on the demands they receive, and notify specific customers about demands for their data. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

US Senator calls for the public release of AT&T 'Hemisphere' surveillance records

US Senator Ron Wyden is calling for more transparency about the Hemisphere phone surveillance program.
Law enforcement agencies have been accessing trillions of domestic phone records through the project, with often-warrantless searches.
The project has received defunding and refunding multiple times and operates without mandatory Privacy Impact Assessments. [ more ]
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