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1 month ago
Privacy professionals

How to manage data privacy versus the growing grab bag of requirements | Computer Weekly

Achieving full compliance with global data privacy regulations is extremely challenging and complex. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

European Parliament passes landmark AI legislation with AI Act vote

The European Parliament approved the AI Act to regulate AI across the EU, balancing innovation with risk-based regulations.
The AI Act addresses transparency requirements, data privacy concerns, deepfakes, and protection for citizens and businesses in the EU. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The EU just passed its landmark AI Actbut some say it has nowhere near enough bite

The AI Act in the European Parliament was passed with a majority vote and takes a risk-based approach to regulating AI.
The legislation distinguishes between low and high-risk AI applications, with stricter oversight for sectors like medical devices. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

European Parliament passes landmark AI legislation with AI Act vote

The European Parliament approved the AI Act to regulate AI across the EU, balancing innovation with risk-based regulations.
The AI Act addresses transparency requirements, data privacy concerns, deepfakes, and protection for citizens and businesses in the EU. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The EU just passed its landmark AI Actbut some say it has nowhere near enough bite

The AI Act in the European Parliament was passed with a majority vote and takes a risk-based approach to regulating AI.
The legislation distinguishes between low and high-risk AI applications, with stricter oversight for sectors like medical devices. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The E.U. Has Passed the World's First Comprehensive AI Law

European Union lawmakers approved the AI Act, which will set a global standard for regulating AI.
The AI Act focuses on a risk-based approach, with tougher requirements for high-risk AI applications. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside the EU's tentative deal on world-first AI regulation

The European Union has reached a tentative agreement on the terms of the AI Act after marathon discussions.
The AI Act is the world's first comprehensive legislation for artificial intelligence and focuses on a risk-based approach to AI systems. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The E.U. Has Passed the World's First Comprehensive AI Law

European Union lawmakers approved the AI Act, which will set a global standard for regulating AI.
The AI Act focuses on a risk-based approach, with tougher requirements for high-risk AI applications. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside the EU's tentative deal on world-first AI regulation

The European Union has reached a tentative agreement on the terms of the AI Act after marathon discussions.
The AI Act is the world's first comprehensive legislation for artificial intelligence and focuses on a risk-based approach to AI systems. [ more ]
#ICYMI: FPF’s @spivackjameson & @DanielBerrick dive into the first two stages of our ‘Risk Framework for Body-Related Data Practices’:

1️⃣ Understand how organizations handle personal data
2️⃣ Evaluate legal obligations to ensure compliance

Read more: https://t.co/syBLOOuE5R
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
EU data protection

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
💡#DYK? Adopting risk-based approaches for handling body-related data makes it easier to comply with the law & ensure ethical data practices. Learn about the first 2 stages of our Risk Framework in this analysis by FPF’s @spivackjameson & @DanielBerrick: https://t.co/syBLOOu6gj
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
EU data protection

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Future of Privacy Forum
5 months ago
EU data protection

Understanding Body-Related Data Practices and Ensuring Legal Compliance in Immersive Technologies - Future of Privacy Forum

Organizations are incorporating immersive technologies into their products and services, but these technologies come with privacy risks.
Leading organizations are adopting risk-based approaches to handle body-related data and ensure ethical data practices. [ more ]
Data Matters Privacy Blog
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

One Step Closer: AI Act Approved by Council of the EU | Data Matters Privacy Blog

The EU has approved the AI Act, the world's first standalone law regulating AI, focusing on risk-based rules and global impacts. [ more ]
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