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2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Shares Video Featuring Image of a Hog-Tied Biden

The video posted by Trump on Truth Social features an image of President Biden depicted in a negative light.
The use of macabre imagery targeting perceived enemies, such as Biden, is common among right-wing provocateurs and pro-Trump groups. [ more ]
4 months ago
East Bay food

Judge dismisses charges against white nationalists who brawled in Berkeley

Selective prosecution of right-wing group members
Violence at Berkeley rallies [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany news

Don't let Germany become like America, agri minister warns

Germany is experiencing farmer protests over subsidy cuts, which has led to political polarization.
Right-wing groups, including the AfD, have become involved in the protests, despite not prioritizing the interests of farmers. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Media industry

Journalists Covering 2024 Election Face Hostilities and Fear Police Action

Trump's attacks on the media pose a significant danger to journalists' safety and freedom to report.
Right-wing groups exhibit a pattern of violence during elections, posing a serious threat to democracy. [ more ]
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