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2 months ago
East Bay (California)

Oakland faces another budget shortfall after once again overestimating home sales

Historic budget deficit still a challenge in Oakland with $177 million shortfall forecasted by June. Property sales tax shortfall significant. Oakland Police Department biggest over spender. [ more ]
4 months ago

Cap on student visas could wreak financial havoc on Ontario universities, colleges: officials | CBC News

Ontario universities and colleges are concerned about the federal government's plan to reduce the number of international students granted permission to study in Canada.
The cap on study permits will put a strain on the budgets of many universities, which are already facing financial difficulties. [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
6 months ago

California's revenue decline is reminiscent of the Great Recession, new report says

California is projected to have a $58 billion revenue shortfall over three fiscal years due to lower-than-expected tax payments.
The state's economy has been impacted by higher borrowing costs, reduced investment, and a slowdown in the housing market. [ more ]
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