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Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

New California law bans hidden restaurant fees. Will that end mandatory tips for big groups?

New California law SB 478 prohibits restaurants from charging 'junk' fees, including mandatory gratuity fees for large groups. [ more ]
Eater SF
2 weeks ago
SF food

So, Restaurant Fees Could Still Be Legal After All

Restaurant surcharge debate continues with new legislation allowing fees if clearly disclosed. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

New California law bans hidden restaurant fees. Will that end mandatory tips for big groups?

New California law SB 478 prohibits restaurants from charging 'junk' fees, including mandatory gratuity fees for large groups. [ more ]
Eater SF
2 weeks ago
SF food

So, Restaurant Fees Could Still Be Legal After All

Restaurant surcharge debate continues with new legislation allowing fees if clearly disclosed. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

A last-ditch effort to keep California restaurant surcharges legal

California legislators introduce bill to exempt restaurants from junk fees law [ more ]
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