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2 months ago
Data science

OpenAI previews voice synthesis

Voice Engine developed by OpenAI mimics voices from 15-second audio samples for various applications.
OpenAI is cautious about releasing the technology at scale due to concerns of misuse and is seeking to start a dialogue on responsible deployment. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI deems its voice cloning tool too risky for general release

Tool called Voice Engine can clone voices with just 15 seconds of audio, too risky for general release due to misinformation threats.
OpenAI is taking a cautious approach to releasing Voice Engine widely, focusing on responsible deployment and societal adaptation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

OpenAI previews voice synthesis

Voice Engine developed by OpenAI mimics voices from 15-second audio samples for various applications.
OpenAI is cautious about releasing the technology at scale due to concerns of misuse and is seeking to start a dialogue on responsible deployment. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI deems its voice cloning tool too risky for general release

Tool called Voice Engine can clone voices with just 15 seconds of audio, too risky for general release due to misinformation threats.
OpenAI is taking a cautious approach to releasing Voice Engine widely, focusing on responsible deployment and societal adaptation. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

From the DealBook Summit: Experts Look Forward

Humanity benefits from technological leaps forward, including AI.
Responsible deployment of AI is crucial for human interest and safety. [ more ]
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