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The Nation
1 day ago

How to Build a Homeland Security Campus

Campuses resembling armed camps with increased security measures and crackdown on constitutionally protected speech and activism.
Decades-long trend of creating homeland security campuses evidenced across multiple US administrations. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
1 week ago

Pro-Palestine organizers denounce police brutality, refute claims of outside agitators at Bay Ridge Nakba Day protest * Brooklyn Paper

Pro-Palestine protest in Bay Ridge condemned excessive force by NYPD at event. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe news

Belarusian band Irdorath back on stage after imprisonment DW 05/22/2024

Repression in Belarus leads to a high number of political prisoners compared to Russia. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

Reporters - Torture in Azerbaijan: Europe looks away

Repression has increased in Azerbaijan ahead of the presidential elections.
Forbidden Stories is continuing the investigations of imprisoned Azerbaijani journalists. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

Reporters - The Baku Connection in Azerbaijan: 'They won't stop our investigations by arresting us'

Repression has increased in Azerbaijan ahead of the presidential elections.
Forbidden Stories is continuing the investigations of imprisoned Azerbaijani journalists. [ more ]
The Nation
3 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

The Student Movement Is Writing a New Chapter of History

The pro-Palestinian movement on university campuses has faced intense repression but has developed new tactics to ensure their message is heard. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

The Guardian view on Russia's election: in Stalin's footsteps | Editorial

Elections in dictatorships can serve as a tool for intimidation and controlling the narrative.
Under Putin's rule, Russia is transitioning from authoritarianism to outright autocracy through repressive measures. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago
Europe news

Free Boris Kagarlitsky

Growing dissent and repression in Russia amid Navalny's death
Authorities handing out harsh sentences to antiwar activists in Russia [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russian Court Jails Rights Advocate for Discrediting' the Military

Oleg Orlov, co-chairman of Memorial, was sentenced to prison for criticizing Russia's military amid the war in Ukraine.
Orlov's conviction highlights the increasing repression and intolerance towards dissenting voices in Russia. [ more ]
4 months ago

Russia's queer artists fight growing persecution DW 01/16/2024

The LGBTQ+ cultural scene in Russia was thriving in 2020, but has since faced repression due to the widening of the gay propaganda law.
Russia's new law now bans any material that is positive about LGBTQ+ lifestyles across books, films, advertising, and online. [ more ]
Towleroad Gay News
3 months ago

Draconian: Sochi Olympics-Era "Gay Propaganda" Ban Expands To Forbid All Public LGBTQ Expression. New Russian Crackdown. Pt. 2 - Towleroad Gay News

Russia's legislature has enacted new laws that repress LGBTQ+ rights, expanding on the existing 'gay propaganda' law from 2013.
These laws ban all forms of LGBTQ+ representation in public and online, with violators facing heavy fines. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Brutality of oppression: Ai Weiwei speaks on Gaza, China and New York City

Power fears art and poetry because they challenge and defy the restrictions and uniformity imposed by those in power.
Ai Weiwei's graphic memoir Zodiac chronicles his lifelong struggle against power and repression, from his childhood in China to his exile and artistic career. [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

Opinion | Farewell to the U.S.-China Golden Age

The lunch meeting at the Council on Foreign Relations highlighted the nostalgic feelings of Americans who had lived in China during a period of warm relations.
The attendees expressed concern that China has closed itself off and that understanding China has become more difficult.
The Council on Foreign Relations is losing visibility, access, and insight into China due to increasing repression and new restrictions. [ more ]
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