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Practical Ecommerce
1 month ago
Business intelligence

Charts: Investment Trends in Operations Q1 2024

Many U.S. operations officers are unsatisfied with technology investments. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

Hidden MFA | AdExchanger

Forbes' www3 subdomain operated a different kind of MFA site with slideshow versions crammed with ads.
Adalytics exposed issues with improper labeling of the www3 subdomain in bid requests, impacting various players in the ad tech industry. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Can Conspiracies to Better the World Be Anticompetitive?

Regulators prioritize competition over other goals like health and safety when dealing with anticompetitive behavior.
FTC aims to prevent monopoly power in AI development after failing to address internet giants' dominance.
Developers navigate the balance between AI advancements and antitrust laws to prevent monopolistic behavior. [ more ]
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