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1 year ago

Server Sent Events 101: A Guide | HackerNoon

SSE provides a one-way connection from server to client using HTTP for real-time data transmission. [ more ]
6 months ago
Data science

SSE vs WebSockets

SSE and WebSockets are efficient real-time communication protocols for data exchange. [ more ]
1 year ago

Server Sent Events 101: A Guide | HackerNoon

SSE provides a one-way connection from server to client using HTTP for real-time data transmission. [ more ]
6 months ago
Data science

SSE vs WebSockets

SSE and WebSockets are efficient real-time communication protocols for data exchange. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago

Using WebRTC to implement P2P video streaming - LogRocket Blog

Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) enables real-time communication on web apps without plugins. Core concepts include peer-to-peer communication and signal servers. [ more ]
Daniel Lemire's blog
10 months ago
Web development

A simple WebSocket benchmark in JavaScript: Node.js versus Bun

The http protocol is asymmetrical and does not allow the server to initiate communication with the client, making certain types of applications more difficult to design.
WebSocket is a bidirectional communication protocol that allows for real-time communication between browsers and servers, enabling the server to notify the client of changes without a request.
WebSocket can provide more efficient and faster communication compared to the http protocol. [ more ]
MDN Web Docs
2 months ago

Exploring the Broadcast Channel API for cross-tab communication | MDN Blog

Using BroadcastChannel API enables real-time communication between different browser tabs/windows without page refresh. [ more ]
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