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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
4 weeks ago

A 'Universities on Fire'-inspired reading list

The article highlights a personal list of nonfiction and fiction books on climate change and emphasizes the impact of Bryan Alexander's book 'Universities on Fire' on the author's reading choices and perspectives. [ more ]
3 months ago

Rick O'Shea: Five books in translation to take you out of your comfort zone

Books in translation offer readers the chance to explore different cultures and perspectives.
There is a relatively low percentage of book sales in the UK and Ireland for translated works. [ more ]
3 months ago

Must-Read Business Books for Leaders and Aspiring Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneur

Classic business books are a valuable resource for individuals at any career stage.
With a plethora of business books available, it is essential to prioritize timeless classics and influential titles. [ more ]
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