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4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mutale Nkonde's nonprofit is working to make AI less biased | TechCrunch

AI For the People (AFP) is led by Mutale Nkonde, focusing on increasing Black voices in tech and advocating for policies against algorithmic bias.
Nkonde's interest in AI stemmed from witnessing algorithmic bias in social media, leading to her involvement in addressing racial literacy in tech. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
4 months ago
Social justice

Healing Society through the Archaeology of Self: A Racial Literacy Development Approach - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The Archaeology of Self is a pivotal component of the Racial Literacy Development Model (RLDM), allowing for personal and collective healing through self-examination.
The RLDM is an action-oriented process aimed at eradicating racial bias and changing systems governed by racism and inequality. [ more ]
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