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1 month ago
OMG science

New form of mpox detected in large Congo outbreak

Congo is facing a major mpox outbreak with a new, potentially more transmissible form of the disease emerging. [ more ]
2 months ago

What is known about the tuberculosis cases in migrant shelters in Chicago

Tuberculosis cases detected among newly arrived migrants in Chicago shelters.
Public health concerns raised due to tuberculosis and measles outbreaks in the same facilities. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Is YOUR state at risk of bird flu spillover? Map reveals epicenters

Multiple US states battling bird flu in farms, significant concerns for public health.
Texas, America's largest cattle state, heavily impacted by outbreaks, affecting milk supply and cattle industry. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

A trash-covered home in L.A. draws outrage, worry and a 'Hoarders' producer

The property in the Fairfax neighborhood of Los Angeles is surrounded by mounds of trash, including white trash bags, buckets, and various debris.
Residents have been complaining to city officials about the trash and improper storage issues, with complaints dating back to last year. [ more ]
2 months ago

London section of River Thames worst place for sewage'

Open water swimmers in London are unhappy with the high levels of sewage, including items like condoms and sanitary products, in the Thames.
Thames Water has faced criticism for contamination issues in the river, affecting events like the annual Oxford-Cambridge race. [ more ]
3 months ago

Delta-8, an unregulated form of THC, is popular among high school students

Delta-8 THC usage among teens is a growing concern, especially in states with no regulations.
Delta-8 products, often marketed as 'diet weed' or 'weed lite,' lack oversight and potency information. [ more ]
3 months ago
East Bay (California)

East Bay city looks to curb illegal dumping by hitting perpetrators in their pocketbooks

Increased fines and police accountability aim to curb illegal dumping in Pittsburg.
Illegal dumping in Pittsburg is a costly issue, with over $100,000 annual cleanup expenses. [ more ]
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