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Irish Independent
1 month ago

Teacher is suspended after forging signatures of two others and using school stamp

A teacher faces suspension for professional misconduct, including forging signatures and misrepresenting information to the Teaching Council. [ more ]
1 month ago

Dishonest solicitor 'caused couple to seek medical help for stress and anxiety' over proceeds of house sale

Ronan O'Brien of Ronan O'Brien & Co Solicitors in Cavan was suspended by the High Court for being dishonest in his practice. [ more ]
3 months ago

London nurse who ran over police officer then drove away is banned from profession

Abiola Akilla, a London nurse, banned from profession for hit-and-run on a police officer, resulting in serious injuries.
Nursing and Midwifery Council panel decided to strike off Akilla, citing significant departure from nursing standards and bringing the profession into disrepute. [ more ]
3 months ago

Met Police officer who lied about being mobbed in Clapham pub fight dismissed

Detective Constable lied about being surrounded by 50 people during a fight in a pub and has quit the Metropolitan Police.
Superintendent emphasizes that her actions were shocking and unacceptable, leading to her resignation. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

Partner Parts Way With Firm - See Also

Northwestern Law facing complaints of mismanagement for years
Kelly Clarkson's legal battle may mean bigger costs than $2.6m
Richard Liebowitz loses his license [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Hunter Biden remains in 'good standing' with DC Bar Association despite felony indictments

Hunter Biden remains in 'good standing' with the District of Columbia Bar Association despite facing felony indictments
The bar's rules state that committing a criminal act that reflects adversely on a lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness can be considered professional misconduct [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

Ex-Biglaw Partner Suspended From Practicing Law Over Side Solo Gig

A former Biglaw partner has been suspended from practicing law in New York for running his own side gig and underreporting the money he made from it.
The partner secretly performed legal work for non-firm clients and personally billed firm clients for work he did on the side, earning over $360,000 from his side practice. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
6 months ago

Redondo Beach councilman faces 2-year suspension from law for misappropriating money

The State Bar of California is recommending a two-year suspension for a Redondo Beach City Council member who misappropriated client funds.
The councilmember, Zein Obagi Jr., is facing charges of professional misconduct and making false statements in a lawsuit. [ more ]
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