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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Embracing soft skills for AI integration

Investing in AI skills is crucial for businesses to unlock productivity benefits and meet growing demands and challenges. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Most Employees Are Secretly Using AI Tools At Work: Report | Entrepreneur

Employees are discreetly using AI tools at work while leaders seek non-technical talent with AI skills. [ more ]
2 months ago
Remote teams

U.K. employees now have the right to request flexible work from day 1-but employers may have to bear the brunt of the new measures, experts say

Employees in parts of the U.K. now have the right to request flexible work from day one of a new job.
Flexibility has become a top priority for many employees due to productivity benefits and higher turnover associated with lack of flexibility. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

LexisNexis Expands Legal Generative AI Ecosystem for Lawyers & Law Schools

LexisNexis announces the expansion of its generative AI-enabled legal product ecosystem
Lexis+ AI is driving significant productivity benefits for law firms [ more ]
10 months ago

LexisNexis Expands Legal Generative AI Ecosystem for Lawyers & Law Schools

LexisNexis announces the expansion of its generative AI-enabled legal product ecosystem
Lexis+ AI is driving significant productivity benefits for law firms [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

LexisNexis Expands Legal Generative AI Ecosystem for Lawyers & Law Schools

LexisNexis announces the expansion of its generative AI-enabled legal product ecosystem
Lexis+ AI is driving significant productivity benefits for law firms [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Most Employees Haven't Used AI, Don't Trust the Tech: Report | Entrepreneur

Small businesses' limited AI adoption is attributed to lack of trust in AI among desk workers despite executives' desire for AI integration. [ more ]
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