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4 months ago
US politics

Haley Declares Race Far From Over' After Losing to Trump in New Hampshire

Nikki Haley defies calls to drop out of Republican nomination race
Haley criticizes Trump and vows to continue fighting [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

It's the final day before the Iowa caucuses

The Iowa caucuses are the first event of the party primary calendar for the 2024 presidential election.
Caucuses are not primaries and are essentially meetings run by political parties where votes are cast through on-site paper ballots. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Haley Declares Race Far From Over' After Losing to Trump in New Hampshire

Nikki Haley defies calls to drop out of Republican nomination race
Haley criticizes Trump and vows to continue fighting [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

It's the final day before the Iowa caucuses

The Iowa caucuses are the first event of the party primary calendar for the 2024 presidential election.
Caucuses are not primaries and are essentially meetings run by political parties where votes are cast through on-site paper ballots. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Final sprint to the Iowa caucuses

The Iowa caucuses on January 15th will be the first test of the 2024 presidential election.
Caucuses are different from primaries as they are meetings run by political parties rather than traditional elections. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Your Iowa Caucus Questions, Answered

Iowa's quadrennial caucuses are different this year due to Democratic changes and the dominance of a single Republican candidate.
Caucuses require voters to attend and discuss preferences publicly, while primaries allow for private voting.
Caucuses have been criticized for being less accessible than primaries, with limited flexibility and challenges for people with disabilities or safety concerns. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
6 months ago

Republican push for hand counting leads to uncertainty about Travis County's 2024 primaries - Austin Monitor

Travis County in Texas is facing uncertainty about how to administer the 2024 primaries due to a divide between local political parties on hand counting and paper ballots.
The Travis County Democratic Party is concerned about the Travis County Republican Party's questions and positions regarding the primary election. [ more ]
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