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4 weeks ago
Boston Celtics

In NBA Finals, Celtics and Mavs face different challenges from what they just conquered

Each NBA playoff series presents unique challenges with no continuity point; previous matchups don't serve as clear predictors for subsequent series. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

A.I. Promised to Upend the 2024 Campaign. It Hasn't Yet.

Artificial intelligence is being tested in different political scenarios but is not yet a mainstream tool in American campaigns. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Warning British rents could surge by 13 per cent over next three years

Rents in the UK may surge by 13% in the next three years
Rent levels have been influenced by the pandemic and rising wages. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI predicts antidepressant success in a week

A new AI algorithm can predict anti-depressant efficacy within a week for patients with major depressive disorder.
The algorithm developed by researchers at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre and the Radboudumc can identify and predict which patients will respond well to the SSRI sertraline. [ more ]
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

How AI is turning satellite imagery into a window on the future

AI and faster satellite data enable predictive analysis of geopolitical events.
AI models can predict events based on satellite data, reducing the need for retrospective analysis and speeding up insights. [ more ]
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