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4 weeks ago
Data science

How to Use Machine Learning for Credit Scoring

Machine learning enhances credit scoring accuracy by analyzing more variables and adapting to new data, reducing bias and improving predictive power. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

VantageScore releases new credit-scoring model

VantageScore 4 Plus pilot combines open banking data with traditional credit data for enhanced predictive accuracy of up to 10%. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Data science

How to Use Machine Learning for Credit Scoring

Machine learning enhances credit scoring accuracy by analyzing more variables and adapting to new data, reducing bias and improving predictive power. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

VantageScore releases new credit-scoring model

VantageScore 4 Plus pilot combines open banking data with traditional credit data for enhanced predictive accuracy of up to 10%. [ more ]
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