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CNET Money
2 weeks ago

TikTok Gave Them Financial Freedom. Now It Could All Go Away

TikTok creators are facing potential financial hardships if the platform is banned nationwide. [ more ]
CNET Money
2 weeks ago

A TikTok Ban Could Crush Content Creators' Financial Dreams

TikTok creators depend on the platform for financial livelihood, facing uncertainty with potential bans. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

"With TikTok, I'm Not Alone": 17 People Candidly Shared Why A TikTok Ban Would Be Devastating

TikTok CEO reassures commitment amidst potential ban. [ more ]
1 month ago

Why Your TikTok App Will Probably Be Taken Away

TikTok's influence on society and national security concerns due to its Chinese ownership have led to a potential ban in the U.S. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

How to protect your TikTok data if the US bans the Chinese-owned app

Back up TikTok content to secure data amid potential ban in the US. [ more ]
1 month ago

ByteDance Would Rather Shutter TikTok in the US than Sell It | Entrepreneur

ByteDance publicly states no plans to sell TikTok despite potential U.S. ban. [ more ]
NBC4 Washington
2 months ago

TikTok makes $2.1 million TV ad buy as Senate reviews bill that could ban app

TikTok launches $2.1 million ad campaign to fight potential ban
Ads target battleground states and aim to sway Senate Democrats [ more ]
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