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2 weeks ago
English Premier League

'We changed the club', but Arsenal need to reach 'next level'

Arsenal finishes second in the league with 89 points, second only to the Invincibles of 2003-04. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Liverpool FC

Jurgen Klopp reveals mindset shift during final stretch of season

Jurgen Klopp is focusing on the positives of the season despite missing out on major titles like the Premier League. [ more ]
2 months ago

My dream job rejection challenge: Taryn de Vere on applying for a job - from hat maker to government minister - every day for 30 days

Rejection can be embraced as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
Facing rejection head-on can lead to unexpected positive outcomes. [ more ]
2 months ago

Paul Alexander, Polio Patient With Iron Lung and Positive Outlook, Dies at 78

Paul Alexander, a polio survivor, inspired many with his positive outlook despite being confined to an iron lung.
Alexander managed to breathe on his own at times, earned a law degree, wrote a book, gained social media following, and inspired globally. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
3 months ago

10 Signs You're Falling in Love With Life Again!

Falling in love with life boosts physical and mental well-being.
Expressing gratitude leads to increased happiness and higher life satisfaction. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
4 months ago

A Story Of A Back Bay Brokers Positive Outlook Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Positive outlook can have a powerful impact on one's experiences.
Visualization can be a powerful tool for manifesting desired outcomes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Former OpenAI Exec Predicts AI Could Be Last Thing Humans Ever Invent

Zack Kass, former OpenAI executive, is optimistic about the potential of artificial intelligence to save the world.
He believes that AI will lead to a bright future with more joy and less suffering, and that people in developed countries will work less while children in poorer countries will have AI-powered teachers. [ more ]
The Drum
4 months ago
Online marketing

Upbeat Bellwether shows marketers are finally winning boardroom budget battle

Marketers in the UK are experiencing their biggest budget boost in a decade, with over a quarter of respondents reporting upward budget revisions in Q4 2023.
44.5% of marketers are anticipating a budget boost in 2024/2025, showing a positive outlook for budget growth in the coming years. [ more ]
4 months ago

Peter Hynes: Why we let our 16-year-old daughter travel on her own to Australia to work with cattle

Looking forward with positivity in 2024
Embracing what lies ahead instead of making resolutions [ more ]
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