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4 months ago

East London school in Palestinian flag row could close after threats and abuse

Barclay primary school in London may switch to online learning due to threats and abuse following the ban on political symbols, including the Palestinian flag.
The school has sought help from the police, hired private security, and installed CCTV cameras to ensure the safety of staff and students. [ more ]
4 months ago

East London school in Palestinian flag row could close after threats and abuse

Barclay primary school in London may switch to online learning due to threats and abuse following the ban on political symbols, including the Palestinian flag.
The school has sought help from the police, hired private security, and installed CCTV cameras to ensure the safety of staff and students. [ more ]
4 months ago

East London school in Palestinian flag row could close after threats and abuse

Barclay primary school in London may switch to online learning due to threats and abuse following the ban on political symbols, including the Palestinian flag.
The school has sought help from the police, hired private security, and installed CCTV cameras to ensure the safety of staff and students. [ more ]
4 months ago

South Shore district strikes down proposal to ban teachers from expressing political views

The proposed policy in Pembroke to prohibit teachers and staff from displaying political symbols or discussing their political views sparked debate and concern, particularly regarding its impact on the LGBTQ+ community.
The policy draft would have prohibited teachers and staff from advocating for political or social policy issues using any materials, and would have specifically addressed flags like the Pride flag, Black Lives Matter flag, Don't Tread on Me flag, and Blue Lives Matter flag. [ more ]
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