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San Jose Inside
1 month ago

CA Legislators Want to Roll Back Limits on Local Campaign Gifts

A 2022 law limited campaign contributions to $250 to local elected officials from donors with specific interests. There's a bill to raise the limit to $1,000 and ease restrictions. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Senegal's youngest-ever president appoints 'breakaway' government

President Bassirou Diomaye Faye appointed a new government after winning the election promising radical reform.
Senegal's Prime Minister Sonko emphasized the new government as a breakaway embodying systemic transformation voted by the people. [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

Peter Shapiro, Political Groundbreaker in New Jersey, Dies at 71

Peter Shapiro was a young insurgent elected to the New Jersey General Assembly and later became the first Essex County executive.
Shapiro reformed Essex County's government by decentralizing services, refinancing the pension system, and lowering the property tax rate. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia After Alexei Navalny

Gorbachev initiated political reform in the Soviet Union by liberating prisoners like Sakharov.
Putin ordered Navalny's poisoning, leading to his survival and continued defiance against the Russian regime. [ more ]
1 week ago

Forget the first 220 failures to split California. This developer has a new plan to secede

The man from Rancho Cucamonga aims to lead San Bernardino County to secede from California, driven by civic pride and a desire to reimagine the political system. [ more ]
3 days ago
EU data protection

Lords would have to retire at 80 under Labour plans

Imposing retirement age of 80 on House of Lords members and phasing out hereditary peers if Labour wins the election. [ more ]
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