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1 month ago
New York City

Hochul Meets the Pope, and Reflects on Her Father and Irish Catholicism

Reflecting on family values in childhood can shape a political journey. [ more ]
9 years ago
Left-wing politics

Bernie Sanders Fast Facts

Bernie Sanders' background, political journey, and personal life details highlighted. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Who is Vaughan Gething, the new Welsh Labour leader?

Vaughan Gething's upbringing and career highlight a journey from Zambia to Wales, facing racism and becoming a prominent figure in governance and politics.
Gething emphasizes being judged by his abilities rather than his skin color, acknowledging the historic significance of being potentially the first black leader of a European nation. [ more ]
1 year ago
US politics

In pictures: US Sen. Tim Scott

Tim Scott's political journey from state to national level is highlighted through key milestones like winning a seat in the House of Representatives and endorsing Trump.
Scott emphasized his evangelical faith, race, and upbringing by a single mother in his political campaigns, showcasing personal values and experiences. [ more ]
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