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LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

Melania Trump inexplicably hosts LGBTQ+ Republican event despite total absence from campaign trail

Melania Trump hosts fundraiser for Log Cabin Republicans, emphasizes unity and individual freedom. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Is Winning the Money Race. Does It Matter?

President Biden's recent fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall was a major success, bringing in over $25 million.
Despite Biden's significant cash advantage over Trump, it has not resolved his political challenges. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Manhattan to be traffic hell Thursday as Biden, Obama and Clinton hit town for record $25M Radio City fundraiser

Manhattan traffic will worsen due to a fundraiser with three presidents at Radio City Music Hall.
The fundraiser aims to raise $25 million, making it potentially the most successful political fundraiser in history. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
New York City

Edie Falco hosts fundraiser for Mondaire Jones' campaign against GOP Rep. Mike Lawler

Edie Falco is hosting a fundraiser for ex-Democratic Rep. Mondaire Jones in his campaign against first-term Republican Congressman Michael Lawler.
Falco is involved in various political causes and has supported candidates like Cynthia Nixon and Tahanie Aboushi. [ more ]
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