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2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Tunisia's Saied is a hypocrite on Palestine

Authoritarian Arab regimes exploit public support for Palestine for political gain.
Tunisia's President Saied shows symbolic support for Palestine without meaningful action. [ more ]
2 months ago
NYC politics

Trump Shares Debunked Claim About NY Governor Hochul Being 'Asked to Leave' Slain NYPD Officer's Wake

Trump shared a fake news video on his Truth Social handle regarding Governor Hochul.
Trump's attendance at the wake of fallen officer caused media reactions and accusations of political exploitation. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK politics

The Commons needed to focus on the horror in Gaza. Instead this was a grubby game of political chess | Polly Toynbee

Debates in parliament were dishonest and exploitative.
Two-state solution needs united diplomacy and muscle. [ more ]
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