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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's record is good but voters don't feel it. Character, not policy, is key to victory | Robert Reich

Americans are incorrectly pessimistic about the economy, despite significant evidence of growth and improvement under President Biden. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Keir Starmer must beware the Biden factor: you can govern well and lose the country | Jonathan Freedland

The comparison of Keir Starmer to Joe Biden is more apt than to Tony Blair, as both leaders faced different economic, political, and cultural contexts. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

CNN Panel Invokes John McCain in Praise of Biden's Foreign Policy, Here's What McCain Really Thought

Erroneous comparison between John McCain and Joe Biden's foreign policy highlighted on CNN panel. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Keir Starmer must beware the Biden factor: you can govern well and lose the country | Jonathan Freedland

The comparison of Keir Starmer to Joe Biden is more apt than to Tony Blair, as both leaders faced different economic, political, and cultural contexts. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

CNN Panel Invokes John McCain in Praise of Biden's Foreign Policy, Here's What McCain Really Thought

Erroneous comparison between John McCain and Joe Biden's foreign policy highlighted on CNN panel. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

To Restrict Migrants, Biden Leans on Trump's Favorite Immigration Law

President Biden utilized a provision in the asylum law to temporarily close the border to asylum seekers, suspending the right to seek protection upon entering U.S. soil. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 days ago
Left-wing politics

Everyone Wondered If the Biden Camp Would Go There. They Did-and Did It Surprising Well.

A Biden campaign ad contrasts Trump's controversial background with Biden's achievements in a striking visual and narrative style. [ more ]
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