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4 weeks ago
Information security

Antivirus Policy | TechRepublic

Antivirus software is crucial for organizational security. Establishing an antivirus policy ensures prompt threat detection and effective incident response. [ more ]
1 month ago

60-Day Shelter Limit is Ineffective, Comptroller Says

The investigation by NYC Comptroller Brad Lander revealed inadequacies in implementing the 60-day shelter limit for asylum-seeking families, impacting thousands of individuals.
The City of New York is criticized for its haphazard implementation of the policy, resulting in negative impacts on families, including disruption of work authorization and uprooting of children. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Data Classification Policy | TechRepublic

Data is crucial for organizations' success, requiring proper management and protection. [ more ]
Idaho Capital Sun
1 month ago
Remote teams

Despite legislation dying during 2024 session, Idaho policy limits remote work for state employees * Idaho Capital Sun

State agencies in Idaho now must ensure only 20% of employees work remotely, with exceptions for fieldwork and rural employees living over 50 miles away. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
1 month ago
Social justice

Community, Advocacy Groups Ask NC Agencies for Clear Goals on Environmental Justice

Community and environmental groups in North Carolina are urging cabinet agencies to take meaningful action in advancing environmental justice, not just rhetoric. [ more ]
The Conversation
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Targeted social media ads are influencing our behaviour - and the government uses them too

Social media is increasingly chaotic and influential with frequent subtle advertising.
Governments like the UK are using social media influencers to implement policies and influence public behavior. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
2 weeks ago
Silicon Valley real estate

East San Jose homeowners struggle with homeless neighbors - San Jose Spotlight

Homelessness issues in Silicon Valley exacerbate tensions between residents and homeless individuals. [ more ]
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