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4 months ago

Bus 'couldn't stop' as police van 'turned into junction' in south east London crash

Nine people, including six police officers, were injured in a collision between a double decker bus and a police van in south London.
One police officer was trapped in the police vehicle and had to be rescued by firefighters before being taken to hospital.
Witnesses claim that the police car was driving at speed with its blue lights on when it collided with the bus. [ more ]
4 months ago

Nine in hospital after crash between police van and bus in south east London

Nine people were taken to hospital after a crash between a police van and a double-decker bus in south east London.
All injuries have been assessed as not life threatening or life changing. [ more ]
4 months ago

Bus 'couldn't stop' as police van 'turned into junction' in south east London crash

Nine people, including six police officers, were injured in a collision between a double decker bus and a police van in south London.
One police officer was trapped in the police vehicle and had to be rescued by firefighters before being taken to hospital.
Witnesses claim that the police car was driving at speed with its blue lights on when it collided with the bus. [ more ]
4 months ago

Nine in hospital after crash between police van and bus in south east London

Nine people were taken to hospital after a crash between a police van and a double-decker bus in south east London.
All injuries have been assessed as not life threatening or life changing. [ more ]
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