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1 week ago
Left-wing politics

The Rise of a New Centrism

Bipartisanship in Washington is more common than often perceived, with Republicans and Democrats working together on significant legislation under the Biden administration. [ more ]
1 week ago

Political Advertisers Promoted Polarization. Now We Need To Help Fix It | AdExchanger

The rise of disinformation and platform manipulation in political media poses a serious threat to democracy and public discourse. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside OpenAI's Plan to Make AI More Democratic'

Colin Megill, co-founder of Polis, a nonprofit open-source tech platform, caught the attention of OpenAI with his solution to address the polarization in democratic systems.
Polis allows users to articulate their views and vote on others, using machine learning to identify clusters of people with similar beliefs and surface statements that can bridge disagreements.
OpenAI sought Megill's help to align their AIs to human values and address the strategic and policy implications of AI alignment. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Political violence could benefit far right parties in the EU elections if we let it

The shooting of the Slovakian prime minister highlighted the polarized state of European politics and the potential for escalation towards repressive regimes. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
Europe politics

Spanish leader Sanchez to stay in power after resignation drama

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez decided to stay in office despite political turmoil, addressing the polarization and decay of discourse in modern politics. [ more ]
Social Media Today
1 month ago

Microsoft Reports Increase in China-Based Influence Activity, Which May Not Bode Well for TikTok

Deceptive social media accounts linked to the CCP ask controversial questions on US domestic issues for intelligence gathering ahead of the presidential election.
Topics covered in these posts aim to sow division in the US on a range of issues, including disasters, international affairs, and sensitive domestic matters. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
2 months ago

Ann Rostow: Nordic Grey - San Francisco Bay Times

Western European countries like Norway are becoming more cautious towards transgender youth health treatments.
The political landscape in the United States is highly polarized when it comes to transgender rights and health care for minors. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

What is fair reporting? You be the judge - Poynter

News media faces challenges of polarization, trust decline, and reader disengagement.
Newsweek is addressing these concerns with the Fairness Meter, allowing readers to rate articles' fairness. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

The Second Death of Pablo Neruda

Chile is polarized over the relevance of poet Pablo Neruda due to the country's recent history
There is disagreement within the left about Neruda, with one side portraying him as a perpetrator and the other as a victim [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

The big idea: should we keep politics out of social media?

Social media has become a high-stakes game for expressing political views, leading to job loss and strained relationships.
Algorithms and disinformation contribute to the polarizing effects of social media. [ more ]
The Telegraph
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

'Mad' AI risks destroying the Information Age

The current state of the web, with its fragmented and argumentative nature, is not what HG Wells had envisioned for the World Brain.
The rise of artificial intelligence has the potential to further homogenize and dull the information landscape, instead of sparking diversity and creativity. [ more ]
4 months ago
Media industry

Vanina Berghella, journalist: We are better prepared for artificial intelligence than we were for social media'

Vanina Berghella, director of the Latin American region for IFPIM, discusses the impact of new technologies on media and the need to engage with new voices
Berghella emphasizes the importance of financial sustainability for media outlets and the role of independent journalism in the region [ more ]
Nieman Lab
5 months ago
Media industry

In a year of polarized elections, media will be a target

Over half the world's population will have the opportunity to vote in 2024, making it the largest election year ever.
Toxic polarization and anti-media sentiment in countries like India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil pose challenges for journalists covering elections. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

In 2024 elections, we have to act against AI-aggravated bias

Journalists must give a voice to underrepresented communities impacted by misinformation and polarization.
2024 elections driven by AI and digital communication will shape the future of democracy. [ more ]
Above the Law
6 months ago

Prospective Law Students Want A Law School That Matches Their Politics

58% of prospective law students find it important to attend a law school where their fellow students share the same political/social views.
Some students value diversity and the opportunity to learn from different ideologies, while others prioritize feeling comfortable expressing their own opinions without backlash.
Politics is playing an increased role in law school decisions, but it is not the only factor. [ more ]
BBC News
6 months ago

Slick videos or more 'authentic' content? The Israel-Gaza battles raging on TikTok and X

Social media algorithms can shape how people view the Israel-Gaza war by recommending content that aligns with their existing views and biases.
Conversations on social media about the conflict can influence public opinion and normalize divisive rhetoric that spills offline. [ more ]
6 months ago

How to talk to consumers about climate change | MarTech

Marketers can play a role in combating climate change through cutting CO2 emissions from digital marketing and communicating with sustainability-focused consumers.
October 2023 is projected to be the warmest year in 125,000 years due to record-breaking temperatures in October 2021, leading to stronger and more frequent extreme weather events. [ more ]
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