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Vogue Business
1 month ago

The Future of Shopping Podcast: The secret to a good store experience

Investing in good customer service, physical stores and innovative technologies can enhance the retail experience and drive customer engagement. [ more ]
2 months ago

In-store is the most popular way to discover clothing brands and products

38.5% discover brands in-store, 33.6% through websites/apps.
In-store offers unique tactile experience, online drives more conversions for clothing. [ more ]
#physical stores
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago

Aptos survey: 88% of Gen Z shoppers in UK plan to visit a physical store this Golden Quarter

Gen Z shoppers plan to spend more or the same on Christmas gifts compared to last year.
Despite being digital natives, 88% of Gen Z shoppers plan to visit a physical store during the Christmas shopping period.
Click and collect is popular among Gen Z shoppers, with 68% planning to use it during the festive shopping period. [ more ]
Retail Brew
7 months ago

Physical stores could be the next frontier for retail media networks

Physical stores have the potential to bring in high-margin supplementary revenue streams for retailers and reach larger audiences compared to digital platforms.
Retailers like Walmart and Kroger are exploring in-store media advertising opportunities, viewing it as the next major media channel.
In-store advertising offers valuable context for brands as consumers are formulating their decisions and opinions about brands while in the store. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago

Aptos survey: 88% of Gen Z shoppers in UK plan to visit a physical store this Golden Quarter

Gen Z shoppers plan to spend more or the same on Christmas gifts compared to last year.
Despite being digital natives, 88% of Gen Z shoppers plan to visit a physical store during the Christmas shopping period.
Click and collect is popular among Gen Z shoppers, with 68% planning to use it during the festive shopping period. [ more ]
Retail Brew
7 months ago

Physical stores could be the next frontier for retail media networks

Physical stores have the potential to bring in high-margin supplementary revenue streams for retailers and reach larger audiences compared to digital platforms.
Retailers like Walmart and Kroger are exploring in-store media advertising opportunities, viewing it as the next major media channel.
In-store advertising offers valuable context for brands as consumers are formulating their decisions and opinions about brands while in the store. [ more ]
morephysical stores
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