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2 months ago

Cyclist who died after collision with bin lorry in central London named

Cheistha Kochhar, a 33-year-old cyclist and PhD student, tragically died in a collision with a bin lorry in central London on her way home from LSE.
She was described as bright, brilliant, brave, and full of life by her father and former colleagues, leaving behind a devastated community of friends, admirers, and colleagues. [ more ]
2 months ago

Tribute to 'bright and brilliant' PhD student killed in bin lorry crash

Cheistha Kochhar, a 33-year-old Indian PhD student, died in a cycling accident in London.
The driver of the bin lorry involved in the crash stopped at the scene and is cooperating with the police. [ more ]
2 months ago

My productivity waxes and wanes - and I'm learning to account for it

Adapting to a new PhD program during the pandemic was challenging due to cultural differences and concerns about family in Brazil.
Pressure to be consistently productive as a PhD student can lead to feelings of unproductivity and difficulty coping. [ more ]
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