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4 weeks ago

Juxtapoz Magazine - Kelly Beeman on Distant Cities and Distant Memories in Paris

Kelly Beeman's art explores the complexities of memory, fantasy, and reality, challenging the notion of perfection in her paintings. [ more ]
Soccer News
3 months ago
English Premier League

Mikel Arteta has 'no clue' how many points Arsenal might need to win title - Soccer News

Arteta emphasizes perfection needed for Premier League title
Improvement in all aspects crucial for Arsenal's success [ more ]
Soccer News
4 months ago
Manchester City

Pep Guardiola 'more than satisfied' with what he is seeing from Manchester City - Soccer News

Guardiola emphasizes satisfaction with team performance despite draw against Chelsea
Maintaining high standards and handling pressure of perfection is crucial for City's success. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

How to embrace progress over perfection - LogRocket Blog

Balancing progress and perfection is crucial in product development.
A seven-pillar framework can help find the right balance. [ more ]
5 months ago

Therapists Are Sharing Things Oldest Siblings Talk About The Most In Their Sessions

Oldest siblings are often described as independent, driven, responsible, and caretakers.
Oldest children may struggle with perfectionism due to the trial-and-error parenting they experience and high expectations placed upon them. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Why the skies are changing

The perfection and immutability of the stars in the universe provide a contrasting perspective to the ever-changing nature of the Earth and its inhabitants. [ more ]
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