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6 months ago

Making It So by Patrick Stewart audiobook review from Shakespeare to stardom

Patrick Stewart reflects on his troubled childhood and the influence of his family dynamics on his acting career.
Stewart's memoir explores his iconic roles and personal growth throughout his life. [ more ]
6 months ago

Making It So by Patrick Stewart audiobook review from Shakespeare to stardom

Patrick Stewart chronicles his working-class childhood and his journey to superstardom in his memoir, Making It So.
Stewart reflects on the impact of his violent upbringing and his love for Shakespeare, which led him to a career in acting. [ more ]
6 months ago

Making It So by Patrick Stewart audiobook review from Shakespeare to stardom

Patrick Stewart reflects on his troubled childhood and the influence of his family dynamics on his acting career.
Stewart's memoir explores his iconic roles and personal growth throughout his life. [ more ]
6 months ago

Making It So by Patrick Stewart audiobook review from Shakespeare to stardom

Patrick Stewart chronicles his working-class childhood and his journey to superstardom in his memoir, Making It So.
Stewart reflects on the impact of his violent upbringing and his love for Shakespeare, which led him to a career in acting. [ more ]
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