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4 months ago
Europe politics

Sunak refuses to rule out bringing back Boris and calls leadership plots minuscule'

Rishi Sunak did not rule out the possibility of bringing Boris Johnson back into the cabinet.
Sunak downplayed the plots against his leadership, calling them minuscule. [ more ]
#Boris Johnson
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson's second day at the Covid inquiry: key points

Boris Johnson defends his handling of the pandemic during the Covid inquiry
Johnson expresses surprise that scientists were not consulted about the eat out to help out scheme [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry - live: Boris Johnson to be grilled over pandemic response today

The former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to issue an apology during the ongoing Covid inquiry, although it is unclear for what specifically.
Former deputy cabinet secretary Helen McNamara highlighted a toxic culture and sexist treatment of women in meetings under Johnson's leadership. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry - live: Boris Johnson to be grilled over pandemic response today

The former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to issue an apology during the ongoing Covid inquiry, although it is unclear for what specifically.
Former deputy cabinet secretary Helen McNamara highlighted a toxic culture and sexist treatment of women in meetings under Johnson's leadership. [ more ]
6 months ago

Boris Johnson to be grilled at Covid inquiry next week

Boris Johnson will appear before the Covid 19 inquiry next Wednesday and Thursday to answer questions about the government's decision-making during the pandemic.
He will face criticism for his handling of the pandemic, including claims that he was obsessed with older people accepting their fate and that Covid was just nature's way of dealing with old people.
The inquiry has revealed behind the scenes chaos and infighting in Johnson's Downing Street operation, with secret WhatsApp messages and former officials describing the administration as brutal and useless. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson's second day at the Covid inquiry: key points

Boris Johnson defends his handling of the pandemic during the Covid inquiry
Johnson expresses surprise that scientists were not consulted about the eat out to help out scheme [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry - live: Boris Johnson to be grilled over pandemic response today

The former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to issue an apology during the ongoing Covid inquiry, although it is unclear for what specifically.
Former deputy cabinet secretary Helen McNamara highlighted a toxic culture and sexist treatment of women in meetings under Johnson's leadership. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry - live: Boris Johnson to be grilled over pandemic response today

The former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to issue an apology during the ongoing Covid inquiry, although it is unclear for what specifically.
Former deputy cabinet secretary Helen McNamara highlighted a toxic culture and sexist treatment of women in meetings under Johnson's leadership. [ more ]
6 months ago

Boris Johnson to be grilled at Covid inquiry next week

Boris Johnson will appear before the Covid 19 inquiry next Wednesday and Thursday to answer questions about the government's decision-making during the pandemic.
He will face criticism for his handling of the pandemic, including claims that he was obsessed with older people accepting their fate and that Covid was just nature's way of dealing with old people.
The inquiry has revealed behind the scenes chaos and infighting in Johnson's Downing Street operation, with secret WhatsApp messages and former officials describing the administration as brutal and useless. [ more ]
moreBoris Johnson
6 months ago
UK news

Covid inquiry - live: Boris Johnson to be grilled over pandemic response today

The former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to issue an apology during the ongoing Covid inquiry, although it is unclear for what specifically.
Former deputy cabinet secretary Helen McNamara highlighted a toxic culture and sexist treatment of women in meetings under Johnson's leadership. [ more ]
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