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1 week ago

Why you should think twice before posting that cute photo of your kid online

Parents sharing children's information online can jeopardize their privacy and expose them to risks like identity theft and harassment. [ more ]
New York Post
4 weeks ago

Make parents pay for kids who miss school to curb chronic school absenteeism

Chronic school absenteeism persists post-pandemic, affecting learning outcomes, especially among low-income students. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK news

Father jailed for murdering his five-week-old son by breaking his neck

The father was jailed for life for murdering his five-week-old son through violent abuse resulting in 40 bone fractures.
The fatal neck injury occurred up to eight days before the baby's death, leading to the compression of the spinal cord. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Brianna Ghey's mother sobs as she explains why she feels she failed' daughter

Brianna Ghey's mother blames herself for her daughter's murder
She feels she failed her daughter by allowing her to meet one of the killers [ more ]
1 month ago

Michigan school shooter's parents sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for role in attack

Parents sentenced for role in Michigan school shooting. Potential to prevent tragedy by simple actions. First parents convicted in mass school shooting in the US. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
US politics

Prosecutor says mother of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley is at fault for 4 student deaths

The mother of the armed teen in the Michigan school shooting is on trial for involuntary manslaughter.
Prosecutors argue that the shooting could have been prevented if the mother had removed her son after seeing his violent drawings.
This case marks the first time a parent has been charged in a mass shooting at a U.S. school. [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

James Crumbley found guilty in his son's school shooting

Parents found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for failing to secure gun and address son's mental turmoil.
Father's conviction related to failing to respond adequately to son's troubling behaviors and providing access to a handgun. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
2 months ago
US politics

Before school shooting, Ethan Crumbley wrote he was searching for gun his father had hidden | LIVE

Ethan Crumbley detailed plans to shoot up his school in journal entries, stating he had access to a gun and expressed frustration about lack of help for mental health issues. [ more ]
3 months ago

Is Being A 'Bad Mom' A Crime?

Jennifer Crumbley, the mother of the school shooter in Michigan, has been found guilty of charges related to her son's crime.
Crumbley purchased a gun for her son, took him to a shooting range, and ignored offers of mental health treatment for him. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Mother of Michigan school shooter convicted of manslaughter

Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for her role in her son's school shooting.
The guilty verdict was influenced by Crumbley taking her son to a shooting range and her text message encouraging him not to get caught. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Jury finds Michigan school shooter's mother Jennifer Crumbley guilty of manslaughter

Jennifer Crumbley has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in relation to the school shooting incident that took place in 2021.
Prosecutors argue that Jennifer Crumbley failed to inform the school about the family's guns, including the gun used by her son in the shooting. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Constance Marten feels responsible' for death of her baby, court told

Constance Marten admits falling asleep on newborn
Couple denies gross negligence manslaughter [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Is a smartphone and social media ban the best way to protect young people from internet dangers? | Letters

Parents should focus on teaching children safe internet usage rather than imposing blanket bans.
Giving children access to smartphones has both benefits and risks, emphasizing the need for parental controls and monitoring. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Mother of Brianna Ghey sends message to tech companies: Take more responsibility'

Brianna Ghey's mother believes tech companies should take more responsibility for children's welfare
Mobile phones should be made specifically for children under 16 to protect them from online harms. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
US politics

Mother of Oxford school shooter found guilty of involuntary manslaughter

Jennifer Crumbley, mother of the Oxford High School shooter, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
The Crumbleys bought their son a gun four days before the shooting, leading to their prosecution as the first parents of a mass shooter to face serious charges.
Oakland County Prosecutor presented two theories: gross negligence and failure of legal duty. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
US politics

Crumbley trial tests whether parents can share blame for school shooting

Prosecutors are considering holding parents responsible for school gun violence.
The parents of the Oxford school shooter are facing involuntary manslaughter charges.
The parents' actions indicate negligence and responsibility in providing their son access to a gun. [ more ]
4 months ago

What are the rules for leaving children at home?

A mother in France has been convicted for leaving her nine-year-old son alone in a flat without electricity for two years.
Laws around leaving a child home alone in the UK are blurry, with no specific age or recommended length of time given. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 months ago
US politics

Trials of Michigan school shooter's parents to test limits of who's responsible for a mass shooting

The parents of Ethan Crumbley, who opened fire at his high school in Michigan, are set to go on trial for manslaughter.
Prosecutors are alleging that the parents are responsible for the students' deaths, a novel and unusual legal theory. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Jury to Decide if Mother of Michigan School Shooter Is Guilty, Too

The parents of the Oxford High School shooter are being charged with involuntary manslaughter for allowing their son access to a gun while ignoring warning signs of his troubled mental state.
This case is breaking new ground in prosecuting parents for their children's intentional mass shootings, challenging the bedrock principle in American criminal law that individuals are not responsible for someone else's actions. [ more ]
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