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4 weeks ago

Measure requiring parental notification of California school student's gender identity fails to qualify for ballot

Californians won't be voting on a policy requiring schools to notify parents of gender identification changes. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 weeks ago

Proposal to limit transgender youth rights fails to qualify for California's November ballot

A proposal in California requiring parental notification on gender identity and limits on transgender youth medical care failed to qualify for the November ballot. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Measure requiring parental notification of California school student's gender identity fails to qualify for ballot

Californians won't be voting on a policy requiring schools to notify parents of gender identification changes. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 weeks ago

Proposal to limit transgender youth rights fails to qualify for California's November ballot

A proposal in California requiring parental notification on gender identity and limits on transgender youth medical care failed to qualify for the November ballot. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California bill bans school districts from 'outing' transgender students to their parents

California Democrats are introducing a bill to prohibit school districts from adopting harmful 'forced outing' policies for LGBTQ students. [ more ]
1 week ago

Proposed Regulations Could Impact Rock Climbers In California | KQED

Climbers may face restrictions on rock climbing gear in wilderness areas, sparking debate on conservation vs. route access. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California bill bans school districts from 'outing' transgender students to their parents

California Democrats are introducing a bill to prohibit school districts from adopting harmful 'forced outing' policies for LGBTQ students. [ more ]
1 week ago

Proposed Regulations Could Impact Rock Climbers In California | KQED

Climbers may face restrictions on rock climbing gear in wilderness areas, sparking debate on conservation vs. route access. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 months ago

Colorado allows anti-LGBTQ+ group to pursue law outing trans students to parents

Colorado's Supreme Court allows anti-LGBTQ+ group to collect signatures for a law outing transgender students to parents. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
7 months ago

Righteous mother or right-wing zealot? The soccer mom leading California's parental rights movement

Sonja Shaw is a controversial figure in the Chino Valley, with contrasting descriptions of her
Shaw is leading a conservative campaign to implement parental notification policies regarding gender identity in schools [ more ]
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