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2 months ago
Data science

Biogeographic response of marine plankton to Cenozoic environmental changes - Nature

Functional groups provide unique insights into biodiversity dynamics in palaeontological studies. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

This Treasured Fossil Turns Out to Be a Forgery

Fake fossils can mislead scientists into studying inaccurate ancient pasts.
Tridentinosaurus antiquus fossil was found to have fake skin traces, although some parts of the fossil were still genuine. [ more ]
5 months ago

Africans Discovered Dinosaur Fossils Long before the Term 'Paleontology' Existed

The first dinosaur bone may have been discovered in Africa as early as 500 years before it was discovered in England.
African indigenous knowledge of fossils has a long history, with many fossils being known to local communities for centuries. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

The super-rich are buying up dinosaur bones and now they want our near-perfect Stegosaurus | David Hone

Scientifically important fossils are often purchased by private collectors due to affordability issues, limiting their availability for study by museums. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

How I've helped to discover nearly 40 species in the Amazon

Palaeontologists have discovered rich fossil evidence in the Amazon, including a variety of crocodilian species dating back millions of years. [ more ]
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