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4 months ago
Social justice

So far it's a grand decade for billionaires, says new report. As for the masses ...

Billionaires' wealth has grown three times the rate of inflation since 2020
Oxfam report highlights the growing wealth inequality and its impact on billions of people [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

So far it's a grand decade for billionaires, says new report. As for the masses ...

Billionaires' wealth has grown three times the rate of inflation since 2020
Oxfam report highlights the growing wealth inequality and its impact on billions of people [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

So far it's a grand decade for billionaires, says new report. As for the masses ...

Billionaires' wealth has grown three times the rate of inflation since 2020
Oxfam report highlights the growing wealth inequality and its impact on billions of people [ more ]
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