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1 month ago
Data science

Overconfidence Can Blindside Science and Society Alike. Here's How Not to Get Fooled

Support science journalism to ensure impactful stories. People may get defensive and send hate mail when confronted with conflicting beliefs. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

3 Ways Brain Sabotages Your Copy

UX writers' decisions can be influenced by emotions, surroundings, and other people.
The 'Happy Happy Happy' effect refers to the overconfidence and blind judgment that can occur when a UX writer is delighted with their own work. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

When Too Much Confidence Turns Bad, Here's What to Do!

Excess confidence can harm success and potential happiness.
Too much confidence can lead to missed opportunities and arrogance. [ more ]
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