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5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Data brokers know everything about you - what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava is engaged in a legal battle with the FTC over its data acquisition and AI analytics practices.
The outcome of the case could have implications for the global data marketplace and Congress' approach to AI and data privacy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Data brokers know everything about you - what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava is engaged in a legal battle with the FTC over its data acquisition and AI analytics practices.
The outcome of the case could have implications for the global data marketplace and Congress' approach to AI and data privacy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Data brokers know everything about you - what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava is engaged in a legal battle with the FTC over its data acquisition and AI analytics practices.
The outcome of the case could have implications for the global data marketplace and Congress' approach to AI and data privacy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Data brokers know everything about you - what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava is engaged in a legal battle with the FTC over its data acquisition and AI analytics practices.
The outcome of the case could have implications for the global data marketplace and Congress' approach to AI and data privacy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Data brokers know everything about you - what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava is engaged in a legal battle with the FTC over its data acquisition and AI analytics practices.
The outcome of the case could have implications for the global data marketplace and Congress' approach to AI and data privacy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Win for Reproductive Rights, FTC Bans Data Brokers From Selling Location Data

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a ban on the sale of individuals' medical location data in a groundbreaking move to protect the privacy of people seeking abortion in the U.S.
The ban follows the conclusion of the FTC's investigation into Outlogic (formerly X-Mode Social), a smartphone surveillance company that tracks people through more than 100 smartphone apps.
Outlogic is now prohibited from selling or sharing any person's private location data that could be used to track someone to a health care facility, domestic abuse shelter, or place of worship. [ more ]
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