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2 months ago
New York City

A Hiker Was Lost in the Woods. Snow Was Falling. Time Was Running Out.

Cellphones with GPS service have lowered the number of people truly getting lost in the woods.
Increase in frivolous emergency calls due to cellphones, leading to challenges for forest rangers during actual emergencies. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

You might spot a mountain lion in California, but attacks like the one that killed a man are rare

Mountain lions in California live in diverse habitats and occasionally encounter humans.
Attacks on humans by mountain lions are rare in California, with fewer than 50 confirmed attacks since 1890. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

It's coyote pup season. Here are some precautions for pet owners

Coyote pupping season in California is between March and May.
Coyote parents can become protective and aggressive during the spring and summer months. [ more ]
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