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3 days ago

On human-in-the-loop optimization of human-robot interaction - Nature

Real-world human-robot interactions demand adaptive optimization strategies beyond simulation methods to improve performance and usability. [ more ]
1 month ago

Meta Optimises AI Inference by Improving Tail Utilisation

Meta (formerly Facebook) improved machine-learning model serving efficiency by optimizing tail utilization, leading to increased work output, reduced error rates, and decreased latency.
Optimizing tail utilization is crucial for large-scale operations like Meta's advertising platform, relying on machine-learning models for real-time ad delivery. [ more ]
4 months ago

Unraveling the Enigma: Debunking Myths Surrounding Lambda Cold Starts

Understanding and effectively managing cold starts is crucial for optimizing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. [ more ]
8 months ago

Council Post: Low-Funnel Ad Optimization On Social Media Platforms

The efficacy of social media ads is often not optimized due to a lack of frequency in targeted events, hindering the system's ability to understand customer profiles and optimize for specific events.
Recalibrating optimization strategies towards intermediate metrics like 'add to cart' and landing page views can be a remedy to this issue. [ more ]
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