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1 month ago
Startup companies

OpenAI Startup Fund raises additional $5M | TechCrunch

The OpenAI Startup Fund has raised an additional $5 million, now under new legal control, to invest in early-stage AI companies. [ more ]
2 months ago
European startups

OpenAI Startup Fund quietly raises $15M | TechCrunch

OpenAI Startup Fund quietly closed a $15 million tranche, managed by Ian Hathaway, using SPVs for investments in AI-related startups. [ more ]
1 month ago
Startup companies

OpenAI Startup Fund raises additional $5M | TechCrunch

The OpenAI Startup Fund has raised an additional $5 million, now under new legal control, to invest in early-stage AI companies. [ more ]
2 months ago
European startups

OpenAI Startup Fund quietly raises $15M | TechCrunch

OpenAI Startup Fund quietly closed a $15 million tranche, managed by Ian Hathaway, using SPVs for investments in AI-related startups. [ more ]
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