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1 month ago
Tech industry

Net neutrality restored as FCC votes to regulate internet providers

Restoration of net neutrality rules by FCC impacts broadband internet providers' ability to favor sites and apps, ensuring equal treatment of online traffic. [ more ]
The New Yorker
5 months ago
Digital life

Coming of Age at the Dawn of the Social Internet

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was a popular online platform for millennials in the late 1990s
AIM allowed users to have multiple chats simultaneously and had customizable away messages [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Future Of E-Commerce Is A Product Whose Name Is A Boilerplate AI-Generated Apology | Defector

Silicon Valley's richest and most powerful people are showing signs of political conservatism.
The older and younger reactionaries in Silicon Valley have gotten there through mimicry and the influence of the online experience. [ more ]
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