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3 months ago
Video games

Xbox Partner Preview Showcase Announced For Wednesday With Games From EA, Nexon, And Capcom

The Xbox Partner Preview showcase is scheduled for March 6 with over 12 new game trailers featured.
Confirmed games include titles from EA, Capcom, and Nexon, but EA's Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is not expected to be part of the showcase. [ more ]
Center For The Art Of Translation
3 months ago

Author & Translator: About Uncle | Center for the Art of Translation | Two Lines Press

Rebecca Gisler's novel 'About Uncle' explores themes of isolation and familial bonds in a collapsing world.
The online event with author Rebecca Gisler, translator Jordan Stump, and host Stephen Sparks is a collaboration between Community Bookstore, Point Reyes Books, and Third Place Books. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago

City Hall Tories respond to Khan's decision to stop Londoners attending People's Question Time in person

Sadiq Khan has scrapped the in-person People's Question Time event in Richmond.
This is the first time in 24 years that the event will be held online. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago

Sadiq Khan: Mayor accused as London question event moved online

The mayor's decision to cancel in-person People's Question Time goes against the Assembly's representations
Moving the event online at the end of the term would send a negative signal about commitment to direct engagement [ more ]
7 months ago
Business intelligence

Enterprise Analytics Online - Free Conference - DATAVERSITY

EAO offers strategies and insights on overcoming data challenges through analytics.
The event features industry-leading professionals and offers webinar-style sessions, live Q&A, and access to recorded materials. [ more ]
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Red Magic celebrates its 5th anniversary with giveaway, big sale

For its 5th anniversary, Red Magic is holding an online event on May 18 at 6:00 PM EST.The event will be hosted by streamers Beaulo and SirPugger.Beaulo is known for its Rainbow Six Siege streams, while SirPugger creates RuneScape content.Red Magic has opened registrations for the event, so you can win some prizes too.
San Francisco Bay Times
1 year ago

Top of Your Stack - Recommendations from Book Passage 5.4.23 - San Francisco Bay Times

The London Seance Society (fiction - hardbound) by Sarah Penner
Lenna Wickes has come to Paris to find answers about her sister's death.When Vaudeline is beckoned to England to solve a
high-profile murder, Lenna accompanies her.With shared determination, the women find companionship that perhaps borders on something more.
1 year ago
UK news

Forbes would look again' at National Care Service and consider NHS revamp

SNP leadership candidate Kate Forbes has said she would look again at proposals for a National Care Service (NCS) and consider a reorganisation of the NHS if elected first minister.The NHS has been in crisis in the last year, with waiting times increasing and services struggling.Some, including senior NHS leaders, have posited the idea of a reorganisation of the service.
1 year ago
Remote teams

Amazon's new cloud computing unit in Spain to create 1,300 jobs

Where to live and work as a digital nomad in Spain will greatly depend on what you want out of your experience here.Is your objective to connect with other nomads and meet as many other travellers as possible?Do you want to learn Spanish?Or do you want to keep costs to a minimum?Whatever your preferences are, the door to remote working in Spain has opened to thousands of non-EU workers thanks to a new digital nomad visa (also available to company workers who want to relocate) that will make the process for gaining residency and paying the right taxes much easier.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

5 Ways to Save Time When Traveling for Business - Social Media Explorer

Whether you are a new entrepreneur heading to your first networking event or you are a seasoned executive who is off to a critical shareholders' meeting, your time is one of your most valuable assets.Time is money after all.Unfortunately, traveling can suck that time away, wasting hours, if not days, if done improperly.
1 year ago
UK news

Forbes would look again' at National Care Service and consider NHS revamp

SNP leadership candidate Kate Forbes has said she would look again at proposals for a National Care Service (NCS) and consider a reorganisation of the NHS if elected first minister.The NHS has been in crisis in the last year, with waiting times increasing and services struggling.Some, including senior NHS leaders, have posited the idea of a reorganisation of the service.
1 year ago
Remote teams

Amazon's new cloud computing unit in Spain to create 1,300 jobs

Where to live and work as a digital nomad in Spain will greatly depend on what you want out of your experience here.Is your objective to connect with other nomads and meet as many other travellers as possible?Do you want to learn Spanish?Or do you want to keep costs to a minimum?Whatever your preferences are, the door to remote working in Spain has opened to thousands of non-EU workers thanks to a new digital nomad visa (also available to company workers who want to relocate) that will make the process for gaining residency and paying the right taxes much easier.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

5 Ways to Save Time When Traveling for Business - Social Media Explorer

Whether you are a new entrepreneur heading to your first networking event or you are a seasoned executive who is off to a critical shareholders' meeting, your time is one of your most valuable assets.Time is money after all.Unfortunately, traveling can suck that time away, wasting hours, if not days, if done improperly.
1 year ago
UK news

New First Minister will need to eat humble pie' over gender reforms SNP MP

The new leader of the SNP will have to eat humble pie over the Scottish Government's controversial gender recognition reforms, a leading figure within the party has insisted.Joanna Cherry KC said Nicola Sturgeon, the outgoing First Minister and SNP leader, had refused to do this citing this as one of the policy headaches Ms Sturgeon has left the party.
1 year ago
Europe news

A Posthumous Solo Album Reveals a Jazz Star's Melancholy

Following the death of Esbjorn Svensson, a pianist and one of Europe's most influential jazz musicians, in a scuba diving accident in 2008, his wife, Eva, spent some time in the family basement, backing up all of his tapes.Among them, she and the sound engineer Ake Linton found a corrupted Logic file and a scratched CD, both named Solo.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Poco M5 and M5s will be announced on September 5, specs leak

Poco has been working on a couple of new mid-rangers to add to its ever-expanding portfolio, and today the brand has announced that their unveiling will take place on September 5, via an online event that will start at 8 PM Beijing time (that's 2 PM CEST, 12 PM GMT, 1 PM UK, 8 AM EDT, 5 AM PDT, respectively).
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

How to Win Money for Eating Burgers During Burger Week!

BURGER WEEK STARTS THIS MONDAY!Can you feel it?The excitement about New Seasons Presents the Portland Mercury's Burger Week, the best time of the year to get delicious burgers for just $8?
1 year ago

Opinion | What Will Post-Roe Medical Care Look Like? A Times Event.

Medical and legal experts share their insights, and take your questions, on how the U.S. Supreme Court decision revoking the constitutional right to abortion is changing health care.
1 year ago

Opinion | What Will Post-Roe Medical Care Look Like? A Times Event

Medical and legal experts share their insights, and take your questions, on how the U.S. Supreme Court decision revoking the constitutional right to abortion is changing health care.
1 year ago

Opinion | What Will Post-Roe Medical Care Look Like? A Times Event.

Medical and legal experts share their insights, and take your questions, on how the U.S. Supreme Court decision revoking the constitutional right to abortion is changing health care.
1 year ago

Opinion | What Will Post-Roe Medical Care Look Like? A Times Event

Medical and legal experts share their insights, and take your questions, on how the U.S. Supreme Court decision revoking the constitutional right to abortion is changing health care.
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