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3 days ago
Mobile UX

Geekbench score shows that European Galaxy Z Fold6 units will use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 too

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 will use Snapdragon globally [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Samsung's One UI 6.1.1 will introduce "video AI", tipster claims

The next Samsung Android skin update, One UI 6.1.1, may include a new AI feature called 'video AI', although details are scarce. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Which Samsung Phones Will Get Galaxy AI? The S22 Series Isn't...

Not all Samsung phones will be getting Galaxy AI as part of One UI.
Only select models, including the Galaxy S24 series, will have built-in Galaxy AI or receive it via a software update in the first half of 2024. [ more ]
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