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4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Israel strikes Rafah, says two captives freed

Israeli air strikes in Rafah kill dozens as Palestinians prepare for a major offensive.
Conflicting reports about the death toll with AFP reporting 52 killed and Reuters reporting 37 killed.
Israel's military has rescued two captives taken by Hamas in Rafah and says it has concluded the strikes. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Displaced people in Khan Younis told to move further south

Hundreds of people in Khan Younis are being told to move further south as Israel expands its offensive.
This includes people who have already been displaced. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

U.S., U.K. Launch Sea And Air Strikes Against Huthi Rebels in Yemen, Says U.S. Central Command

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says Russia plans to launch an offensive in Ukraine ahead of the presidential election in March.
Zelenskiy rejects the possibility of a cease-fire with Russia, saying it would only favor Moscow by giving it time to boost supplies to its military. [ more ]
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