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Fast Company
3 weeks ago
OMG science

This Atlantic hurricane season could look like 2020's as La Nina and warmer ocean fuel fierce storms

Forecasters predict a highly active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season with an above-normal number of named storms and major hurricanes. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists Alarmed by Spike in Ocean Temperatures

Rapid ocean temperature rise alarms scientists globally
Rate of ocean warming exceeds scientists' expectations [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Ancient sea sponges at centre of controversial claim world has already warmed by 1.7C

Ancient sponge species in the Caribbean Sea may have recorded a 1.7C increase in ocean temperatures since the start of the Industrial Revolution, half a degree higher than previous estimates.
The research has been met with caution by some scientists who argue that one sponge species from a single location is not enough evidence to make such a bold claim. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Climate scientists can't fully explain why 2023 was Earth's hottest year on record

Climate scientists are unable to explain why 2023 was the hottest year on record globally by such a large margin
The record-breaking heat extended to the oceans, with the amount of heat stored in the top 2,000 meters breaking records as well [ more ]
Fast Company
3 weeks ago
OMG science

This Atlantic hurricane season could look like 2020's as La Nina and warmer ocean fuel fierce storms

Forecasters predict a highly active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season with an above-normal number of named storms and major hurricanes. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists Alarmed by Spike in Ocean Temperatures

Rapid ocean temperature rise alarms scientists globally
Rate of ocean warming exceeds scientists' expectations [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Ancient sea sponges at centre of controversial claim world has already warmed by 1.7C

Ancient sponge species in the Caribbean Sea may have recorded a 1.7C increase in ocean temperatures since the start of the Industrial Revolution, half a degree higher than previous estimates.
The research has been met with caution by some scientists who argue that one sponge species from a single location is not enough evidence to make such a bold claim. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Climate scientists can't fully explain why 2023 was Earth's hottest year on record

Climate scientists are unable to explain why 2023 was the hottest year on record globally by such a large margin
The record-breaking heat extended to the oceans, with the amount of heat stored in the top 2,000 meters breaking records as well [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

February on course to break unprecedented number of heat records

February 2024 on track to break heat records globally
Experts puzzled by rapid temperature increases in the ocean [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

2024 starts with off-the-charts heat in the oceans. Here's what could happen next.

Ocean temperatures are at or near their peak and ocean surface temperatures are "off the chart"
The warmth in the oceans helps control the atmosphere and supercharges wild weather [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

February on course to break unprecedented number of heat records

February 2024 on track to break heat records globally
Experts puzzled by rapid temperature increases in the ocean [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

2024 starts with off-the-charts heat in the oceans. Here's what could happen next.

Ocean temperatures are at or near their peak and ocean surface temperatures are "off the chart"
The warmth in the oceans helps control the atmosphere and supercharges wild weather [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Ocean Temperatures Keep Shattering Records-and Stunning Scientists

Global sea surface temperatures have been breaking daily record highs since March 2023.
The warm ocean temperatures could trigger major ecological problems and potentially impact hurricane activity in the coming months. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Astounding' ocean temperatures in 2023 intensified extreme weather, data shows

The oceans absorbed record levels of heat in 2023, leading to intensified climate crisis and freak weather events.
The oceans have been getting hotter every year for the past decade, threatening marine life and reducing the oceans' ability to absorb carbon dioxide. [ more ]
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