Mary Trump Rages At Dems Who Attended Dinner With Horrible Human Being' Trump: Chuck Schumer Should Be Ashamed!'
Mary Trump condemned the normalization of Donald Trump by Democrats at the Al Smith Dinner, calling out their shameful association with a convicted felon.
They'd Be Gone!' Jim Acosta Stunned Trump Gets Away With Saying Biden Did Cocaine Or Remarks On Jews and White Immigrants
Trump faces no consequences for controversial statements that would end another person's career.
Acosta and Walsh criticize media normalization of Trump's behavior compared to other politicians.
Everyone Howling About Normalizing' Donald Trump Should Be Relentlessly Mocked Into Exile
Complaints against normalizing Donald Trump reflect a lack of meaningful commentary in political discussions.
Mary Trump Rages At Dems Who Attended Dinner With Horrible Human Being' Trump: Chuck Schumer Should Be Ashamed!'
Mary Trump condemned the normalization of Donald Trump by Democrats at the Al Smith Dinner, calling out their shameful association with a convicted felon.
They'd Be Gone!' Jim Acosta Stunned Trump Gets Away With Saying Biden Did Cocaine Or Remarks On Jews and White Immigrants
Trump faces no consequences for controversial statements that would end another person's career.
Acosta and Walsh criticize media normalization of Trump's behavior compared to other politicians.
Everyone Howling About Normalizing' Donald Trump Should Be Relentlessly Mocked Into Exile
Complaints against normalizing Donald Trump reflect a lack of meaningful commentary in political discussions.
Trump, Outrage and the Modern Era of Political Violence
Political violence in America is increasing and becoming normalized, as evidenced by threats against Trump and others following incendiary comments he made.
Police Violence Is Also Political Violence - and Deeply Normalized in the US
Biden urges against normalizing violence, fails to address normalized police violence.
Trump, Outrage and the Modern Era of Political Violence
Political violence in America is increasing and becoming normalized, as evidenced by threats against Trump and others following incendiary comments he made.
Police Violence Is Also Political Violence - and Deeply Normalized in the US
Biden urges against normalizing violence, fails to address normalized police violence.